#jobs #creativity #personality #urbanlifestyle
#urbansoup #life
no Menu
#catering #munich #businesscatering #events
#meetings #zerowaste #nohazzle
no jobs
#stores #munich #moretocome #viktualienmarkt
#maxvorstadt #theresienwiese
It was all about soup
#story #urbansoup #healthyfastfood
#yummy #munich #urban
nice to have you here. We founded Urban/Soup to make you stop consuming shit and start eating healthy fast food.
You’re probably always on the move, so we thought about a smart way for takeaway. And that’s why you can have all of our soups in a handy glass jar and sip it where you like.
All soups were made from high quality regional products, organic where possible.
We developed our gastronomically concept from 2015 till 2019. After testing a broad range of store models and delivery channels
We’ve always loved soup, so what we did is take the old fashioned granny part off it and put some real good ingredients into it.
We asked Tim's brother Robert who’s a crazy dude and also a chef in switzerland to develop recepies for you and for us.
So he created Olivia's Healthy Tomato and 5 more.
After three years we had 20 different soups for you in our pipeline. While switching seasonally you always get up to 7 different ones in our stores. If you are a true soup lover, food nerd or allergic.
/ Fact 1
You can find soups with meat, but we have a focus on vegan and vegetarian recipes.
/ Fact 2
As we had this takeaway idea, we developed a certain viscosity that makes our soups ideal for sipping from a jar.
/ Fact 3
There are three sizes. For taste, medium and hi-top. The hi-top soup is created as a full meal. Medium size is suited for small hungers in-between. Freshly baked bread and crispy toppings go along with every soup.

Tasting size
Medium size
Hi-Top size
Bring it back,
bring it back to us.
Recycling makes the world go round. It will work, if you bring back the jars to our stores. Or you either recycle or upcycle them yourself.
we like the way you soup
#stores #munich #moretocome #viktualienmarkt
#maxvorstadt #theresienwiese
This section is currently under construction. We are working on new partnerships to offer you the best Urban/Soup experience.
soup to stay or take away
#soup #tostay #takeaway #menu
#creamycoconutcarrot #tastychorizosensation
#healthytomato #pumpkinsweetness
#roastedchicken #himalayandhal #smokyvienna
For all you foodists out there, we’re proud to present our „Soup-er Seven“ to you. Just keep scrolling to meet her majesty Pumpkin Sweetness, Tom’s Tasty Chorizo Sensation or with the best of our karma the Himalayan Dhal.
Yes, there’s also an avocado sandwich, an apple crumble and a cup of coffee from our friends from ManVersusMachine on the list.
Did you know, that you can have it all delivered home, in the office, or wherever you need to cater a bunch of hungry hearts?
#soup #vegan
Creamy Coconut Carrot
pine nuts
/ nuts (Schalenfruechte)
Tom's Tasty Chorizo Sensation
grilled chorizo
/ milk (Milchprodukte)
#soup #vegetarian
Olivia's Healthy Tomato
rosemary feta
/ milk (Milchprodukte)
#soup #vegetarian
Pumpkin Sweetness
chest nuts
/ milk (Milchprodukte)
Butternut Roasted Chicken
roasted chicken
/ milk (Milchprodukte)
#soup #vegan
Himalayan Dhal
red lentils
/ mustard (Senf)
Smoky Vienna
wiener sausage
/ milk (Milchprodukte)

we used to be
#delivery #munichhomedelivery
#foodora #lieferando #deliveroo
For all you people: we’re working hard to make healthy fast-food come to the world – promised.
Meanwhile you might want to follow us on Instagram. New stores get out there first. instagram.com/urbansoup
Nope. No service.
Soup up your business event, somewhen
#catering #munichbusinesscatering #events
#meetings #zerowaste #nohazzle
For the hungry ones.
The achievers. The time savers. The creators. The makers.
The food lovers.
It’s easy, it’s yummy, it’s healthy. Just get in touch and we can arrange a business catering for your event in the Munich region.
We are not hiring
#jobs #creativity #personality #urbanlifestyle
#urbansoup #life
We are a young team of hungry dreamers, believers, doers. We offer you the chance to work on projects that make a difference. While we expect a lot of effort, you can pursue and realize your own ideas. Together we will build a strong and well-known urban brand.
You're up for
a job at
a creative food start-up?

#businesspartners #thankyou #earlyadopter
Some of our happy customers
Do you want to be a part of
our crew?
Currently we are looking for:
Service staffing
Our souperisti-team of around 25 people is looking forward to work with you. Just don't be a dickhead. Be interested in new food-concepts. Don't accept the status quo. Be nice and chatty while you present our values in your way.
Get in touch via mail, have a trail shift, and then fight McDonalds!
long live Healthy fast-food
#press #thanksforsharing #inquiries
„Sip sip sip and repeat“ – the slogan marked the beginning of Urban/Soup, a contemporary fast-food concept made in Germany.
For press inquiries please send a message. We'll give you a fast reply via mail or phone.
Since we started our soup-revolution in winter 2015, there’ve been a bunch of people covering us with some beautiful stories and interviews.
mitvergnuegen.com / tz.de / daskochrezept.de / muenchen-online.de / merkur.de cremeguides.com / abendzeitung-muenchen.de / munichmag.de / biancas-blog.de blastingnews.com / geheimtipmuenchen.de / also heard on InStyle, KabelEins, Pro7, your neighbors party, and in 22 different languages.

#delivery #munich #homedelivery
#lieferando #deliveroo

#press #thanksforsharing #inquiries
Thanks guys!

The Founders:
Tim Maiwald, Daniel Schmel
Step 1
Imagine we could deliver. But no, actually we cannot right now. Sorry we're closed!
Step 2
Don't send a mail to Tim.
Step 3
Don't tell him what you need, when and where you don't need it.
Step 4
He’ll won't make you a good price.
Step 5
We won't send some chatty staff with yummy food.
Step 6
Normally we’ll take everything home with us.
/Punctual, accurate delivery
/Individual pricing
/Straightforward 360-service
/Warm/cold for hours
/Of course zero waste
/And zero hazzle

The Chef

sip a message
#q&a #noworries #healthyfastfood
#chatty #souperisti
fast soup.