c + j

Eggs (Eier) b Fish (Fisch) Milk (Milchprodukte) Peanuts (Erdnüsse) Sesame (sesam) Crustaceans (krebstiere) Soya (sojabohnen) Nuts (Schalenfrüchte) Cereals containing Gluten (Glutenhaltiges) Sulphites (Schwefeldioxid und Sulphite) Celery (Sllerie) Mustard (Senf) Lupin (Lupinen) Molluscs (Weichtiere)

Within the normal operating environment, it is not possible to guarantee that soup ingredients are 100% free from cross-contamination. 

Store product range may vary from the above selection. Please refer to your soup delaer with any questions related to items not shown on this page.



c + J


J + L

If looking at these amazing products makes you hungry order your soup now and get it in up to 30min

E + i

(all of our eight different sorts of rustic bread)

You can also eat your soup in our store or take it away.

munich city only

munich city only

munich city only

Order via your favorite delivery service and get your fresh made ready to eat soup in up to 30min!

H + L

c + j